Palette Love
When we are deciding on colors for your website, one of our favorite ways to choose a color palette is to use This social website makes it easy to play with color palettes,with tools for toggling colors and for color dropping, pulling colors directly from images that you upload. It is excellent for web design, illustration, interior design – you name it.
There is a large library of user palettes and patterns to browse, which makes the site a welcome place for brainstorming and planning. If you are looking for colors that capture a certain word or idea, you can search by keywords. For example, the search results shown here are from a search for the keyword: “clean”. Designers and… well… Color-lovers of all sorts have saved their own palette creations, so there is a broad range of results – but after some browsing you can usually start making some color decisions. You can also search by HEX tag, which is extremely useful for those times where you know one color, but you are not sure what should accompany it.
Once you have created or found a palette that pleases, you can look at the breakdown individual colors, which lists the HEX and RGB codes for easy access and use:
Also – you can use designer patterns to test your colors, and download the results –
wonderful for website headers and backgrounds.
A very handy resource for website design creativity and inspiration!